Amazon SEO

What are Amazon Keywords?

Learn what Amazon keywords are and why they are crucial for your Amazon SEO and advertising. Discover how understanding customer search behavior can enhance your visibility and sales on Amazon.
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What are Amazon keywords (also called search terms)? The simple answer is that they are the words or phrases that a potential customer uses when they want to find a product on Amazon.

This is exactly the same as keywords/search terms on Google, with the only difference being that on Google, customers are not only searching for products but also for information, videos, etc.

In any case, the keyword is what the customer searches for, and this is something that sellers on Amazon need to keep track of. Sellers are constantly trying to figure out what customers are searching for so they can use these words/terms to improve their Amazon SEO and Amazon advertising.

Example of an Amazon Keyword: "cool watch"

In this example, I searched for the keyword "cool watch." This is not just a word, but a term. What a customer types into the search bar to find products becomes a keyword/search term. If you are a seller who sells a cool watch, you obviously want to appear in the search results when someone searches for this. When it comes to keywords, the first step for a seller is always to find out what keywords potential customers who might buy your products are searching for. The second step is to use these keywords in ads and SEO work.

I hope you now have a good understanding of what an Amazon keyword is! If this blog post helped you, I would be very grateful if you could be generous enough to share this on your social media or send it to someone you think might find it useful. Thank you!

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