Amazon PPC

Automating the Optimization of Your Amazon Ads

Tired of spending hours on Amazon ad optimization? Learn how to automate your ad management process, saving you time and boosting your campaign performance.
how to automate the optimization of amazon ads
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Part 11 of 11 – This is the final part of a multi-step guide on how to succeed with Amazon ads. In this part, I will explain how you can automate the optimization of your ads to save as much time as possible.

Automating the Optimization of Your Amazon Ads

As you may have noticed, there is quite a bit of work involved with Amazon ads. Not only must they be set up correctly with the right structure, naming conventions, and ad types, but they also require frequent optimization—something many businesses struggle with. It takes a lot of time and requires both knowledge and attention to detail. However, there are solutions that can make this process easier for you, namely automating the optimization.

That said, you will never completely get away from needing to structure your ads correctly. You will also need to understand how all the optimizations and systems work. If you don't have a solid grasp of these concepts, automation won't be much help. In that case, I recommend seeking help from a freelancer or an agency to handle the work. But, if you have a good understanding of the systems, there are tools that can help you streamline the optimization process yourself.

There are three key areas to focus on during optimization. Some of these can be fully automated, while others can only be partially or not at all.

1) Positive Keywords

The process of finding converting keywords and then moving them between different campaigns (often to your Winner campaigns) can, in most cases, be largely automated. Some parts of the process still need to be handled manually, but it can be done on a monthly basis instead of weekly. This obviously saves us a lot of time and effort.

2) Negative Keywords

The task of identifying negative keywords can, in most cases, be completely automated. You’ll never have to worry about this again, as it runs entirely on autopilot. There are some exceptions where this may not be possible, depending on your products and ad requirements.

However, in 95% of cases, it is possible, and it saves you many hours each month! Thanks to automation, you can eliminate costly keywords even faster, saving you money from day one.

3) Bidding

Setting the optimal bid for your keywords is something that can be fully optimized for all types of campaigns and accounts. This applies to both keywords that have already converted and those that have so far received too few impressions. In other words, this is something you’ll almost never have to worry about again if you set up an automation system.

Save Time and Money by Automating Your Optimization

There are obvious savings to be made by automating optimization. You’ll save time, effort, and money. You’ll never miss adjusting a bid due to lack of time, or forget to add a negative keyword that costs you money each month. But how do you go about automating?

It’s actually not difficult at all to automate. However, you should be aware that automation won’t cover everything. As you saw above, there are still some things you’ll need to do manually. If you’re not ready for that, I recommend hiring an agency to help you. If you’d rather set up your own automation system and are prepared to do the necessary work, then that’s great! All you need is a solid understanding of the systems and the right tools to work with.

Unfortunately, it’s not easy to walk you through the automation process in text form, and therefore, I won’t attempt to do that here.

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