Amazon Services

Full-Service Amazon Management

Discover how SellWave's Full-Service Amazon Management can simplify your selling on Amazon operations. Our hands-off approach offers registration support, logistics, and more, ensuring you focus on what you do best.
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Amazon is the world's largest marketplace, and there's no question that they own a massive share of the market. Did you know, for example, that 50% of all e-commerce in the USA is done on Amazon? Because of these volumes, Amazon is very attractive to many e-commerce businesses, but it is also very complex, and succeeding on their platform is not easy. Besides investments and time, it also requires work with SEO, advertising, and strategy. But even something as simple as registering and being able to handle support in the local language can be an enormous problem.

That's why we at SellWave started offering support for registration on Amazon a few weeks ago - which has been warmly welcomed by the customers who have taken advantage of the offer. But now we are taking it a step further and, together with one of our partners, offering a comprehensive solution for selling on Amazon in Europe - Full-Service Amazon Management.

What is SellWave's Full-Service Amazon Management?

Full-Service Amazon Management is a comprehensive solution that makes selling on Amazon as hands-off as possible. Another advantage is that it becomes cheaper than ever for you to start selling on Amazon, but more on that later. With this solution, you avoid everything related to registration, support, returns, etc., and can instead focus on what you do best. Sounds too good to be true?

SellWave, together with our partner, offers this by allowing you to sell via our Amazon account. In this way, you get access to an account that is already approved and has a good sales history. We handle support and ensure everything runs smoothly. You also have access to a dashboard where you can see live updates on your sales, making everything as transparent as possible.

How Does Full-Service Amazon Management Work in Practice?

There is a presentation where we go through how Full-Service Amazon Management works here. But in short, it works as follows:

Step 1:

Before the products can start selling, all product pages need to be live. We do this by having you send the product texts and images needed (SellWave can also help optimize for SEO and conversion). Then these details are uploaded, and the product pages are ready to be used. In this step, you also set the final price for the customer.

Step 2:

To enable this solution, we use FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). This means that you send the products to Amazon, which then stores the products and ships them to the end customer when orders come in. This means that the first step after the product pages are uploaded (step 1) is to send the products to Amazon. At the same time, you also send an invoice to us for all the products. We then pay this invoice every 30 days as the products sell (step 4).

Step 3:

The products are now live, and sales can start coming in. At this stage, we recommend that you also advertise through Amazon's PPC platform (PPC = Pay Per Click). We help with this at no extra cost when you use Full-Service Amazon Management.

Step 4:

As sales come in, Amazon pays the profit to us (since the sales are under our Amazon account). We then pay the profit to you every 30 days. At the same time, we send an invoice for any costs incurred, such as advertising, Amazon's logistics costs, etc. So the payment made is the difference between sales and costs.

This is how Full-Service Amazon Management works in practice. You always control product pages, final price, advertising budget, etc., and always have full insight into sales. We make sure this runs as smoothly as possible for you.

Full-Service Amazon Management - Advantages & Disadvantages

There are both advantages and disadvantages to such an arrangement.


  • Hands-off: Since we handle support, account management, advertising, etc., you can save a lot of time and effort.
  • Simpler Accounting: Since you sell the products in bulk to us, you can account for the products in bulk instead of accounting for each individual sale to the end customer. This, of course, saves you a lot of time and resources.
  • Easier VAT Management: If you want to sell in European countries, VAT is something you normally need to register and manage in each individual EU country you sell in. This is a requirement when using Amazon's logistics program. BUT, with our arrangement, you only need to report VAT in Germany, and once again, the management becomes easier since the sales are in bulk.
  • Faster Start: This solution mainly simplifies the management of Amazon. But you also get started faster and can start making profits much earlier. No lost revenue due to a slow start.


  • Integration: The only clear disadvantage we see with such an arrangement is that you cannot integrate third-party services into our account. For example, integrators cannot be used to quickly upload all your products from your e-commerce to Amazon (which you shouldn’t do if you want to optimize your Amazon SEO). Many of the better integrators can, however, be used to export to Excel, which we can then quickly upload to Amazon.


The price depends on your needs and requirements. Contact us here to get a price quote.

If you think this sounds like a good solution for you, don't hesitate to get in touch! Or maybe there's someone in your network looking to get started on Amazon; this might be the solution they need.

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