Amazon Trends

Predicting Market Trends on Amazon

Amazon is a rapidly evolving marketplace, with some product categories moving faster than others. Learn how to predict market trends using data-driven insights and stay ahead of your competitors.
predicting market trends on amazon
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Amazon is a rapidly growing marketplace, and certain product categories are evolving much faster than others, while some may even be declining. By analyzing trends in sales and searches, we can predict the market and stay one step ahead of our competitors.

The tool I’ll be using for this is Jungle Scout. If you haven’t read the previous post on Market Analysis on Amazon, I recommend doing so first. There, I cover some basics that I'll build on here.

Jungle Scout isn’t a free tool; it’s extremely powerful and a must-have for serious Amazon sellers. You can get Jungle Scout here.

While there are alternatives, I definitely prefer Jungle Scout over its competitors.

Analyzing Trends in Sales and Searches

The title might be a bit misleading. We can’t directly see sales trends on Amazon, but we can see trends in the number of searches for different keywords and phrases. Customers search on Amazon with the intention to buy, so trends in searches and sales are closely linked.

Step 1 - Search in Keyword Scout

To find search trends, start by logging into Jungle Scout. Go to "Keywords" in the left menu and then click on "Keyword Scout."

Keyword Scout is Jungle Scout’s tool for finding relevant keywords to incorporate into product pages to maximize SEO. But we’ll be using it to see search trends for keywords we already know are important for us.

keyword scout in jungle scout

Take the keyword most relevant to your products and type it into the search box. For example, "Thick yoga mat" if you sell thick yoga mats. Make sure to select the Amazon marketplace you want to search for trends, such as the US, Germany, etc. Then click "Search."

inside keyword scout

Step 2 - Analyze the Trends

Jungle Scout will now return a search result. At the top, you’ll see the keyword you searched for, along with many related keywords below. For each keyword, you’ll see data such as:

  • 30-Day Search Volume (Exact): The search volume for the exact keyword.
  • 30-Day Trend: How the trend in search volume has changed over the past month.
  • 90-Day Trend: How the trend in search volume has changed over the past 90 days.

There’s more information available, but for analyzing trends, I’ll focus on the data above. This information alone can give you a decent picture of short-term trends. However, we want more detailed insights. A 30-90 day trend doesn’t necessarily reflect the overall market trend. Just look at seasonal products, where short-term trends fluctuate, while year-over-year trends are often very stable.

So how do we get more information about trends? It’s simple! Jungle Scout makes it easy to click on a keyword and see a graph. This graph displays search data over a longer period, making it easy to spot longer-term trends. You can also see exactly how many searches were made at any given time.

Inside Jungle Scout's Keyword tool - Keyword Scout
Inside Jungle Scout's Keyword tool - Keyword Scout

Graph of number of searches for a specific keyword
Graph of Number of Searches for a Specific Keyword

Step 3 - Utilizing Trends

Now that you know how to access the graphs, what should you do with the information? Use it! Perform these searches for all the most relevant keywords for the products you and your company sell and try to incorporate the trends into your strategic decisions, budgeting, and investments.

  • Declining Trends: If a trend is declining, it may indicate a shrinking market, and you might want to allocate more resources to a market with a rising trend—even if that rising market is currently smaller.
  • Growth Analysis: Review how the trend has grown in recent years and use that data to predict the market’s size and value in the coming years. Make decisions based on that.
  • Compare Markets: Use trends to compare different marketplaces and countries when deciding which market(s) your company should enter.

You can also combine Jungle Scout’s data with Google’s search data when analyzing trends. This can be useful to see the overall interest in the market/category, not just the interest in products on Amazon. You can do this with Google Trends, a simple free tool that makes it easy to see search trends on Google and compare trends between different searches.

Summary - Analyzing Amazon Trends

This post covered how to data-drivenly observe and use trends on Amazon. The content has hopefully provided you with another tool to enhance your team’s strategic decision-making. However, this requires extensive research. It’s not enough to quickly search for your products and get the trends. The real value lies in carefully analyzing the trends and incorporating them into your company’s choices.

If your company would like a professional market analysis, feel free to contact us at SellWave. If your colleagues or friends should also know how to spot trends on Amazon, make sure to share this post. I would be extremely grateful.

Good luck with your research!

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