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The Power of Amazon Product Photos

Discover why Amazon product photos are crucial for boosting sales. Learn how to create images that comply with Amazon's rules and enhance your product's appeal.
hands with a camera taking a picture
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A product picture sells more ... than a thousand words.

Why Product Photos Matter

Product titles and descriptions are important, but aren't the images often the most decisive factor? How do you usually shop online? Do you perhaps first browse through the product photos and then maybe read the description?

This is undoubtedly the case for most people.

So, it's essential to have good and informative images. Pictures that boost conversion rates and can ultimately be crucial.

It can be difficult to know what images to have even if you sell on your own website, but on Amazon, it becomes even trickier. Amazon has a set of rules that must be followed, as well as some guidelines that can potentially enhance your visibility on Amazon.


  • Amazon's Rules and Standards
  • What Makes a Good Photo and Which Photos Convert
  • How to Create Good Product Photos (Steps 1-5)
  • How Many Photos Should You Have?
  • Conclusion

Amazon's Rules and Standards for Photos

Amazon has some rules that are important to follow. See the image below for a quick overview!

requirements and rules for images on amazon
Image Requirements on Amazon

Feel free to share the image if you think someone might find it useful.

Amazon has a set of rules regarding photos but also some recommendations that, if followed, enable extra functionality. Rules about photo size, format, etc., apply to all images. But there are more rules, and for the main image (the first image shown), there are even more specifics.


The photos should be at least 1000px on either width or height. But Amazon recommends 2560px width. Ensuring the images are large enough not only provides good resolution but also enables the use of Amazon's zoom function. The zoom function allows customers to see an enlarged, zoomed-in image when they hover over the photo. This is demonstrated in the image below:

picture of zoom funtion on amazon

You can use images smaller than 1000px (down to 500px), but then the zoom function won't work.


Amazon allows four different formats for images: JPEG, TIFF, GIF, and PNG.

File Name

The file name of the image must consist of a product identifier (ASIN, 13-digit ISBN, EAN, JAN, or UPC) and end with .[file format]. For example, B00123456.jpg or 0237425673485.tif.

Main Image

The main image, the first image of the product shown on Amazon, has some rules that are stricter than those for other images.

  • The main image must be a professional photograph of the product, no illustrations are allowed.
  • The image must not contain any unnecessary or confusing objects. For example, if the product is a t-shirt, a model can wear the t-shirt, but the model must not carry a bag over the shoulder.
  • The image must have realistic colors and cover 85% of the image frame. Additionally, the entire product must be included.
  • The background must be completely white (RGB 255, 255, 255).
  • The image must not contain any additional text, graphics, or inset images.

Additional Images

The additional images on the product page do not have as strict rules as the main image, but there are still some rules that must be followed.

  • The images must be either of the product or refer to the product.
  • The product must be in focus, professionally lit, and photographed with realistic colors.
  • Other products and items are allowed to demonstrate the use and size of the product.
  • Text and illustrative graphics are also allowed.
  • Cropped and close-up images are completely okay. Backgrounds and environments are also allowed.

Amazon's rules and algorithms often change. However, not very often for product photos. But I advise you to check Amazon's own page for any new rules and standards.

What Makes a Good Photo and Which Photos Convert?

Sure, following Amazon's rules is good (and necessary), but that's far from everything needed to optimize the images. As with most aspects of selling something, it’s important to see it from the customer's perspective to try to identify what they want to see. If you sell yoga mats and you target people looking for a premium brand with extra thick non-slip mats, then you need to highlight this in the images.

This probably sounds obvious, but few actually do it. Which is great for us who are willing to work extra hard to go all the way. Of course, it can be challenging to showcase all the advantages of a product in one image, but luckily we can use more than one image. It's extremely difficult to give direct advice on how to use the images (as it's so niche and product-specific), but here are some steps I use when creating product photos.

Step 1: Use the First Image to Present the Product and Its Feel

We must follow Amazon's rules regarding the main image, but there is still room to maneuver. Of course, it mostly depends on what the product looks like, but by, for example, laying it out in a special way or using a model, you can enhance and change the impression. See these three examples of yoga mats for some inspiration. Yoga mats look quite similar, but each of these three companies manages to present their product in completely different ways (think about the feelings and impressions you get from these three images):

different ways to showcasing products on amazon

Extra Tip: When seeking inspiration from competitors, download the images and then review them. When you look at them on Amazon, it's hard not to also think about other parts of the product page (title, reviews, etc.) and associate these with the image.

Step 2: Show the Product from All Angles and Sides (Possibly Also Parts)

Make sure to show the product in its various states and all its different sides (top, bottom, sides, inside, closed, open, etc.). If we continue with yoga mats as an example: take pictures of the top side, bottom side, rolled up, half-rolled, when a model uses it, close-up of the material, etc. Really try to convey the feel of the product through the photos. Here is an example of how Adidas does exactly this with its training mat (almost like a yoga mat at least) on Amazon:

picture showing product from all angles

Step 3: Highlight the Product's Benefits and Features

Is it an extra-thick yoga mat? Show it by taking a picture from the side and adding graphics that show how thick the mat actually is. Is the mat also water-resistant? Show it! Is it non-slip? Show it! Use graphics to bring this out, and if you don't have any ideas on how to do it, google it or ask a knowledgeable photographer/editor. Does the product suit certain environments? Show it by taking in-action photos when the product is used in that environment. And try to capture the feeling. Here is a nice example from the same Adidas mat we looked at earlier:

If the yoga mat targets the premium segment, don't take a picture of the yoga mat with a half-engaged model in an empty cold space. No, use a location and a background that exude the feeling you are trying to sell and with a model that the product's target group can relate to.

(Just like in the example above)

Graphics can be very useful when you want to highlight features and benefits the product has. Make sure they are done well, though. Even the graphics are part of what you present to the customer. Let someone who knows their stuff do the job (and if you don't know anyone, use services like UpWork to find freelancers).

Step #4 – Highlight Different Variations

If, for example, you sell jars in different sizes, use a picture to compare the different sizes side by side so the customer can easily see the difference and make an informed choice. Many times, uncertainty about size, color, material can make the customer not buy in the end. Everything might look great, but if there is such uncertainty, it can be decisive.

Step #5 – Use Images for “Cross-Promotion”

If you sell multiple products within the same niche, don't be afraid to use the products together, perhaps in an environmental photo. In the example below, the seller takes the opportunity to highlight how their other product can be used together with the yoga mat.

picture showing how you can use your other products on the same picture

How Many Photos Should You Have?

Amazon allows you to use up to 9 photos. But usually, only 7 of these will be displayed. Therefore, I recommend having at least 7 photos, but it doesn't hurt to upload 9. However, if you only have 5 really good photos, don't upload 2 extra just to reach 7. Use the 5 and create new photos. It's important not to diminish the impression just to have more images.


I hope this has been helpful and that it’s now clearer how product photos should be used on Amazon. Always make sure to follow Amazon's rules. It really pays off in the long run! And again, the photos should be tailored to the product's target audience and highlight the advantages that the target group considers important.

Review the different steps we’ve covered:

  1. Use the first image to present the product and its feel.
  2. Show the product from all angles and sides.
  3. Highlight the product's benefits and features.
  4. Highlight different variations.
  5. Use images for "cross-promotion."

How can you implement these? If you don't implement these, why not? Can you do something else or something similar? Can you do something better?

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